Tropic Thunder

What is Tropic Thunder?


A Fucking Hilarious Movie Starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey JR.

Go See Tropic Thunder

See pokemon, pikachu, geodude, ash, misty, brock, weedle, ivysaur, metapod, golem, graveler, charmander, gaspar, mew, mewtwo, haunter, arceus, bulbasaur, venusaur, charmeleon, charizard, squirtle, blastoise, kakuna, beedrill, pidgey, pidgeotto, pidgeot, spearow, ekans, arbok, raichu, sandshrew, clefairy, ninetails, jigglypuff, wigglytuff, zubat, golbat, oddish, gloom, paras, diglett, dugtrio, meowth, persian, psyduck, golduck, mankey, primeape, arcanine, poliwrath, abra, alakazam, bellsprout, tentacool, rapidash, slowpoke, slowbro, magnemite, magneton, doduo, dodrio, seel, dewgong, grimer, muk, cloyster, onix, drowzee, hypno, krabby


The feeling of being sick when you go to a tropical place and eat strange food therefor resulting in extreme indegestion.

Don't drink the water in Mexico or you might catch the tropic thunder.

See mexico, sick, water


A master piece comedy released in Augst 2008 and it is starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black. It makes fun of actors like Eddie Murphy, Russel Crowe, and Sylvestor Stallon. The film is hilarious. If you liked Zoolander, then you would love Tropic Thunder.

Robert Downey Jr. did an amazing job being a dude playin a dude disguised as another dude in Tropic Thunder.

See jack black, actor, comedy


An alcoholic drink including 1 part orange rum (Suggested Brand: Bacardi Orange), 1 part coconut rum (Suggested Brand Malibu Coconut), 1 part Lime Vodka (Suggested Brand: Something cheap like Fleischmann's Lime), and 5 parts of the special ingredient: Mexican Apple Soda AKA Sidral. Therefore it has Orange, Coconut, Lime and Apple flavors equally a tropical paradise in yo mouth.

Yo for pregamin tonight we should make Tropic Thunder's for everybody. That drink gets you mad fucked up.

See thunder, drink, alcohol, drunk, pregame


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