
What is Tropt?


Something dumb.

You are tropt.

See Dr. Seuss



- tangleberries

- Winnits


A bit on the nose

- Checked out that new breakfast ceral, seemed a bit tropt to me

- Was tropin' out reading Phantom comics

- The gents room at the traiin station was a bit tropt

See anon


when something works as the best example of its kind.

The two are both tropt and near enough identical.

that is a tropt choice in clothing


First attempt at building a web site

1. Jeez, Benny's web site is a bit tropt

2. See the red x on that site, a bit tropt if u ask me


The sensitive and rapid degeneration of an encounter due to the behaviour of a single entity.

1) The party was a blast, until mike fully tropt out and everyone left.

2) The commercial success of the company was, in part, due to the tropt factor.

3) The project was tropt, because of the regional manager stepping in.


Tropt = Benny = Paul


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