
What is Truckin'?


Something you should keep on

"Keep on truckin.." from a Grateful Dead song.

See Mark


To walk like the Keep on Truckin' Man. Lean way back, stick your leg way out front. Shoulders back. Swing those arms just so. Go slow. Dig it.

Bill and I went truckin' on down the line all the way from Montgomery Street to 8th Avenue.


1. A kickass song by The Grateful Dead. Quoted and loved by all hippies.

2. The act of driving a truck.

Truckin’ got my chips cashed in. keep truckin’, like the do-dah man

Together, more or less in line, just keep truckin’ on.


A very stylish strut involving large amounts of concentration. Generally proformed in a retro leisure suit. WARNING:Should ONLY be attempted by trained professional.

see Dreadlock Holiday -10cc music video for example of truckin'

See truckin', trucking


"Truckin'" was originally a dance move. There are several theories about where it came from, but the most likely is that it was invented in Harlem during the late 1920's. It was done to a shuffle rhythm and involved moving away from your partner while strutting and waggling your index finger.

It was popularized in the late sixties by cartoonist Robert Crumb. His "Keep on Truckin'" cartoon in Zap comics (1968), featuring a guy leaning way back with his index finger up and his foot thrust forward. It was a popular subject of poster art in the late sixties.

The Grateful Dead recorded a song called Truckin' in 1971. By then, the term was pretty much over, so the Dead had nothing to do with it. Eddie Kendricks recorded a song called "Keep On Truckin'" in 1973. Hot Tuna, a Jefferson Airplane spinoff, also recorded a (different) song under the same name. "Truckin'" was often a euphemism for a similar word with which it rhymes.

Keep on truckin' momma, truck my blues away.

See truckin', zap, tuna, dead, crumb


the act of driving next to a truck so as to avoid the line of sight of a cop's radar gun.

When trying to aviod a cop's radar, drive next to a truck to get out of the line of sight.


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