
What is Truther?


Noun- One who rejects the accepted explanation of the events of 9/11. Truthers generally believe the U.S. government committed the acts of terrorism against itself.

BYU professor Steven Jones is perhaps the most famous truther.

See tin foil hat, kook, conspiracy theory, nut job


A crazy person who believes the US government committed 9/11. Truthers get their inspiration from a moronic documentary called "Loose Change" which provides no facts whatsoever and has been thoroughly debunked. People who disagree with the truthers are repeatedly called government shills since truthers have no logical argument to counter the evidence.

Truther: 9/11 was an inside job!

Sane person: Prove it.

Truther: There was no plane at the Pentagon, only a missile!

Sane person: There's dozens of witnesses and plane debris was found all over the place.

Truther: ...Well the WTC was a controlled demolition!

Sane person: Why did both buildings collapse from the point of impact then? Pretty crazy the explosives were in the exact spot the plane hit and didn't explode upon impact.

Truther: ...You're just a government shill! Enjoy your FEMA camp when the NWO rolls around!

See truther, troofer, crazy, moron, idiot, kook, tin foil hat, nut job, insane, 9/11, loose change, september 11, wtc, pentagon


One who tells the truth and does not lie.

One who lies is not a truther.

Guy 1: *throws snowball at Girl 1*

Girl 1: did you just throw a snoball at me?

Guy 1: No.

Girl 1: You're the only one around. You not a truther.

See truth, liar, boys, alex


Currently the term "Truther" refers to someone who adheres to the beliefs espoused by the 9/11 Truth movement. Truthers are conspiracy theorists that, like all conspiracy theorists, blatantly distort facts and quotes. These are the Bible thumpers of 9/11.

Some of them believe that the government orchestrated it in some complex, cockamamie scheme; others believe that the government simply let it happen.

Debating a Truther is like banging your head against a brick wall - painful and futile. You are likely to be called many things by them: ignorant, stupid, sheltered, blind, scared of the truth, a sheep, a lemming.

See truther, troofer, conspiracy theory, 9/11


someone who tells the truth. a great all around honest person. not a lier!

person 1: You're a lier!!

Person 2: No I'm not! I'm a truther!

See honest, truth, truther


A person who tells the truth, as opposed to a liar.

That person is definitely not a liar. In fact, he is a truther.


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