Trying Hard

What is Trying Hard?



1) Trying to "FIT IN" in terms of fashion and social acceptance.

2) Selling your character just to be socially accepted.

Synonym: POSER

Jason is so trying hard, he tries to be a rocker even if he's not, just to be accepted.


Using everything you have aim, texting, phone calls, buying gifts etc. to get a girl's attention which, if done right, will result in some kind of sexual attention from the girl. The harder and better you try the more you are obligated to get from the specific girl. There are 2 certain types of trying:


ex. when a guy tells a girl how he wants to find the girl of his dreams but is not hot enough for any girls and the girl he likes doesn't like him back; this includes the use of smiley's such as :/, :, D:, :( etc.


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