
What is Tsh?


1. A sound used when rejecting a statement or question someone has made.

2. An expression to show disagreement.

"You're wrong."



"Want to play monopoly?"

"Tsh, I hate monopoly."

See pfft, whatever, psh, tish


a term used by black people when lol began to be over used by white people. stands for trippin so hard. if ur black and got the text message, you know what im talking about. heres the foward:

"ATTENTION all black ppl STOP sayn LOL say TSH dat stand for 4 Trippin So Hard. LOL iz now 4 white ppl. Send to every black person in yo fone."

between me and deshaun.

me: can i get his number?

deshaun: sure



deshaun:ur welcome cuz i didnt have to giv it to u.

me: iwas getting to that


deshaun: Tsh. w/e

See trippin, stupid, messing around, playing, dumb, wow


'Thinks She's Hot' - Can be announced to friends when an ugly or mediocre looking chick that is abviously over confident in her looks flaunts that attitude.

Frumpy bitch walks into the party.

Dude1: TSH at one o'clock.

Dude2: what a bitch.

See antonym, chicks, stranger


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