
What is Tsk?


the clicky sound ya make wit ur tongue when ur lookin down on sumbody

mama-did u kno johnny boy got put in jail??

papa-TSK TSK, i alwayz thot he was a good ol boy!


A term of annoyance; also-the Sinned Knight

Tsk...he always gets the last piece of chicken.

See tsk, rock, metal, music


some gay ass gang that claims 559. psssh!!!

Last night, I beat the hell out of that genzel bitch from tsk.

See tsk, kdk


Three shot kill. Accomplished by opening fire on an enemy with the M6D pistol, and connecting with the first three shots fired; last shot must connect on the head. Succesful execution results in almost instant death.

I got two TSK's in a row on that noob.

A TSK is very impressive on XBC with a 150 ping.

See Fëanor


when some asshole sticks a pen up your ass while you are doing push ups.

"hehe, im so gonna tsk that guy"

See pens, up, ass, holes, hurt


when someone shoves a sharp object up ur asshole while you are doing push ups

"I totally tsked that guy dude!"

"oh, thats why he was bleeding!"

See punch, bite, shoving, punching, biting


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