
What is Tsn?


Stands for "Totally Showing Nipple". When you can see a nipple (or the outline) through someone's shirt.

Mark- "Oh gross.. she has tsn"

See nipple, nipslip, gross, boobs


Canadian 24-hour sports channel which debuted in 1984. Percentage of it was purchased by ESPN in 1995 after the Canadian government, in their protectionist infinite wisdom, revoked the American network's entry into the Canadian TV market. (After all, everyone knows the biggest cultural threat to Canada is the NCAA). Gradually since, all graphics, logos and names have been styled in the ESPN format - i.e. "Sportscentre" with Canadian spelling. The essential result is a network which devotes 90% of its time to hockey and curling while using exciting teases and graphics. Only notable upside is simulcasting of some ESPN programming.

I could tell you some salacious stories about what has gone on behind the scenes at TSN in recent years, but I won't.

See hockey, curling, football, basketball


Team Sportscast Network - The one and only source for the online gaming revolution.

TsN rox0rs


Canada's version of ESPN. Like ours, but with hockey, curling, and goofy Canadian accents.

Did you watch the Habs-Leafs game? No? Well, you can just catch the highlights on TSN.

See sports, espn, hockey, curling


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