Tub Of Lard

What is Tub Of Lard?


a really fat person who looks nasty and oily

cee bee is such a tub of lard


A hugely obese person, usually very greasy and not at all psychically fit.

"He's a fat tub of lard."

See Bowman


A person who is so fat and/or disgusting that the very sight of them invokes images of a giant vat filled with congealed animal fat.

Kate is so f-ing disgusting. What the he@l does that tub of lard think she is doing. She is not hot enough to get away with saying that.

See Chad


or tub of guts

a very fat person(crude, cruel, and also a rude term of adress)

That tub of lard, who came out of popey's Chicken, fell on my arm.


Knee-jerk reaction from the right-wing in response to any topic put forth by filmmaker Michael Moore.

Used to defer the topic of conversation from that which may cause embarassment to their person or affect their stock prices negatively.

Person A: "Have you heard about the new Michael Moore book/film?"

Person B: "That Michael Moore sure is a tub of lard, huh?"


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