
What is Tuba?


the greatest instrument known to man.

band member one: I wish i played the tuba, it owns

tuba player: hell ya bitch


the last major instrument to be introduced to the modern symphony orchestra; a refinement of all others that preceded it, having a conical bore, large cup mouthpiece, and low, unpiercing mellow sound, unless some of the guys from the tuba section of the marching band at the Univesity of Southern California have a blow on one (or 16). May be upright, with a recording bell (this is a "recording bass," not a "recording tuba"--it replaced string basses on early recordings), helicon, sousaphone, or a silly marching version. I have played them all!

(from the latin tuba, meaning trumpet)

The proper name for a tuba player is "tubist," which is a shortened form of "tubaist," which is considered archaic. (Ask your local professional tuba player for details.)

Didn't Gene Pokorny play a great tuba solo in Petrouchka tonight?


a low-brass instrument, a nobler instrument than that of a trombone.

The tuba is an instrument superior to all other instruments.


A regal instrument that is played by very beautiful, talented people.

1. The case can be used to hide dead bodies

2. A tuba can be used to hide illegal substances or as an enormous marijuana pipe

Dude, I got high while playing the tuba...

See tooba


only thee coolest instrument known to man. jocks admire tuba players. cheerleaders want to do tuba players. It originated back in the late 1790s when a man named corneilious tuba was picking up tons of hot babes in his hometown. He needed a cool club or something to separate him so everyone would know that he was the man. so saw a baritone in a local pawn shop and thought of how much of a pussy instrument it was, so he looked at the trombone. he decided that it too was a pussy instument. then he bought 17 trombones and 40 baritones and took them home. Mr. tuba then worked for 23 straight hours building thee most manly of manly instruments. When it was created he learned how to jam some sweet tunes and then went out to town to test the beast. As soon as he stepped out of his wagon the ladies flocked to him like the ones on the axe commercials. a young boy saw this and told his friends about it. the beast was from then on known as the tuba. to this day only the elite play this monsterosity and they still pick up all the hot babes.

"did you know hugh hefner played the tuba?"

See tuba


When the entire orchestra absolutely, positively MUST be overpowered.

Wow! That tuba player in Ride of the Valkyries was awesome!

Yeah! I paid for an orchestra seat and ended up with a massage chair!

See tuba, blast, brass, orchestra


the best freakin instrument in the whole band... tubas...are...GODS

i play tuba and i am the best i am a god..... all bow down to the almighty tuba!


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