
What is Tucked?


wasted, usually on more than one type of intoxicater

yo man i had 3 beers and two joints last night, I was tucked


hidden; being away from everyone else; concealed; away from the public eye

Paris Hilton: "Girl, where you been?"

Britney Spears: "I been tucked, just doin' my thang"

See gone, away, secluded, solo dolo


a) being very tired (often as a result of working too hard, studying, etc.)

b) being or feeling sick, usually referring to a headache.

"Man I was so tucked last night from studying for that quiz."

"That purp had me hella tucked"

See tucked, tired, upset, sick, out


A guitar that is completely out of tune - tune-fucked.

"Hey man, mind if I jam on you guitar"

"Sure. You might need to tune it though, its completely tucked."

See guitar, tune, fucked, music, notes, pick


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