
What is Tude?


a bad attitude towards someone

Hey?! What's up with the tude dude?


any degree of unpleasant attitude that's conveyed through words or body language and can include such language as being sarcastic, cynical, pissy, angry, resentful, displeased, unhappy and on and on.

"so what time are you coming over?"

"no time if you keep giving me that tude!"



"whoa, it's much too early for the tude! wait till after ten to get started with all that nonsense!"

See attitude, sardonic, cynical, derisive, pissy


a bad attitude (see also cop an attitude)

Don't cop a tude with me.


A dumb big oafy stupid moron. Usually drives a big ugly truck, and is always complaining. Also known as mctoodlepoose, mctude with fries, or Toad pie.

Pack a bowl Po, oh wow your such a Tude.

See tude, retard, oaf, toodle


A rude Attitude. If someone has a hellarude attitude, you could say they had a rude tude.

Man ...... That fisizzle is a foxy buck with a rude tude! Fo shizzle.


givin' the sass and havin' just a little bit too much attitude.

girlfriend don't give me that tude!

See sass, attitude, bitchiness, spice, sourness


Someone who has a poor, negative attitude.

He was screaming at me because he didn't want to go to my parents' house for dinner. He is such a tude.

See attitude, pissed, feelings, thoughts, mindset, temper, tude


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