
What is Tuggler?


1)A person who tussles firmly or viciously.

2) A person who has a secret desire to be homosexual a rub a comrade's ear.

3) A semi flaming homosexual who feels an uncontrollable urge to knock over a classmate's(of the same sex) book with a firm tug on the spine of the book.

what da shit!? Get your greasy monkey paw fingers off of my ear right now you tuggler.

My ear is sore as crap right now becuase that crazy tuggler went to town on me while I was enjoy a nice cup of green tea in Spanish Class.

See rub, tussler, tuggler, tuggle, tussle, homosexual, ear


A person that juggles tits.

Alex is an awesome Tuggler!

See boobs, sexy, clown, tits


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