
What is Turban?


A garmet, that is usually very clean, that is worn by some people because their religion and/or culture requires it. Turbans are made from long strips of cloth (up to 30ft) and wrapped around the head. The method of wrapping can tell an observer a lot about the wearer's background.

Turbans are pretty decent things to wear. Not at all dirty or bad. I should say the people who don't like them are incestuous pricks, or otherwise asshats.


A head garment mostly worn by Sikhpeople. 99% of the turban wearing people in America are Sikhs.

People with turbans don't harm any one.

See Singh


A totally pimpin’ type of hat. It’s made of long strips of fabric wrapped around the head, and sometimes adorned with gold and stuff. Turbans have recently become taboo because of US government sponsored racial profiling of Arabs.

That turban is bling!

See Shard


A place where drug dealers and terrorists hide all of their illegal material.

متأنقة, لت'س حصلت بعض عشبة ضارّة وفجّرت بعض



See turban, indian, smelly, pig, curry, doo, iraq, compton, shaft, nokia, friday, korea, saudi, arab, turb


Devil's Hat. (According to George Bush)

George w. Bush: Let's bomb everyone who wears those turbans!


an name that you call someone when you dont like them.

i hate you mr. turban

See hat, head gear, helmet, toque, cap


A type of hat that Punjab drug dealers wear. They hide their drugs in the turban.

That guys wearing a turban, he must be a drug dealer!

Ashbab: Pass up the coke buddy

Ganjit: Let me take my turban off


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