Turbografx 16

What is Turbografx 16?


A 16-bit console released by NEC Corporation in 1990 that sold 10 million worldwide. It sold better than 32-bit 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (10 million), and 16-bit Neo Geo and 32-bit Atari Jaguar (250,000). It sold only 2.5 million in USA and is an entry level collector's item. The best selling game was Bonk's Adventure which spawned 2 sequels and weren't great. The good games on the system were all SHMUPs like Blazing Lasers, and R-Type. The reason why it looked inferior to Sega Genesis was the 8-bit CPU. It was the first console to use CD format in 1991. CD games include WonderBoy III (platformer), Ys I and II (JRPG) and Street Fighter. Legendary Axe 1/2 were an Alter Beast clones. Neutopia I/II were Zelda NES clones.

* CPU: 8-bit Zilog Z80A

o 3.546893 MHz for PAL/SECAM, 3.579545 MHz for NTSC

* Graphics: VDP (Video Display Processor) derived from Texas Instruments TMS9918

o Up to 32 simultaneous colors available (one 16-color palette for sprites or background, an additional 16-color palette for background only) from a palette of 64 (can also show 64 simultaneous colors using programming tricks)

o Screen resolutions 256×192 and 256×224. PAL/SECAM also supports 256×240

o 8×8 pixel characters, max 463 (due to VRAM space limitation)

o 8×8 or 8×16 pixel sprites, max 64

o Horizontal, vertical, and partial screen scrolling

* Sound (PSG): Texas Instruments SN76489

o 4 channel mono sound (3 Square Waves, 1 White Noise)

o 3 tone generators, 10 octaves each, 1 white noise generator

* Sound (FM): Yamaha YM2413

o mono FM synthesis

o switchable between 9 tone channels or 6 tone channels + 5 percussion channels

o Included as built-in "accessory" with Japanese Master System (1987)

o supported by certain games only

* Boot ROM: 64 kbit (8 KB) to 2048 kbit (256 KB), depending on built-in game

* Main RAM: 64 kbit (8 KB), can be supplemented by game cartridges

* Video RAM: 128 kbit (16 KB)

* Game Card slot (not available in the Master System II)

* Game Cartridge slot (not included on newer Brazilian models, as these have built-in games)

o Japanese and South Korean consoles use vertical shaped 44-pin cartridges, the same shape as SG-1000 and Mark II

o All other consoles use 50-pin cartridges 6with a horizontal shape

o The difference in cartridge style is a form of regional lockout

* Expansion slot

o Unused, pinout compatible with 50-pin cartridges (but opposite gender) in all regions

The successor was the 32-bit PC-FX and had a ton of adult hentai and anime dating sims on it. Things American culture aren't supposed to like.

Gamer 1: Remember Blazing Lasers on Turbografx 16?

Gamer 2: Yeah, I remember the reason gamers didn't buy it, because it was back at the beginning when every Japanese manufacture thought they could make a videogame console and succeed in America (ie: Neo-Videogame Crash of 1984).


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