
What is Turkish?


a citizen who lives in Turkey.

Very kind and helpful person. They have the city Istanbul, which is one of the best cities in Europe.

Contrary to belief, their understanding and life sytles are very modern and appropriate for Europe. Of course, there can be less civilized ones but cannot be generalized and also this is possible in US and Europe.

I lived in Turkey for five years and made many Turkish friends.


the kind of exchange student EVER!

I love my turkish exchange student! :)

See thanksgiving


1) A language that is spoken majorly in Western Anatolia, with only the help of the tongue,lips and the teeth but not the throat or nasal cavity and which has a naive sounding;thus which can easily be differed from the neighbouring(personally,rough and/or horrible) languages(i.e: Arabic, Greek, Persian, Armenian, Kurdish,etc...)

2) A sub-branch of Turkic

3) A citizen of Turkey(can be a Turk,Arab,Greek,Armenian or a Kurd)

"Turkish is spoken by approximately sixty-five million people world-wide"

See turk, turkic, turkey


a girl who is extremely beautiful with an amazing smile. someone who can make you happy even when you sad. someone who can make you smile no matter what. someone who is perfect in everway and it would be impossible to live without. the most beautiful and gorgeus girl in the world. some one you love and always will no matter what no matt who no matter when. the love of your life.

she knows who she is and she is called turkish

See love, beautiful, sexy, hott, gorgeous


the citizens living in the country Turkish Republic. They are generally blamed for something in every year, and really suprised by their neighbours "creativity" on causing problems.

moslim turkish girls are taught not to have sex before marriage, but most of them, especially in Istanbul, dont care about it.

I'm a Christian Turkish girl.

See turkey, republic, sex, istanbul, sheeva


1. Related to the ancient Hittites of Anatolia.

2. No relation whatsover to Greek or Armenian pieces of shit.

3. A person who comes from the country Turkey, pronounced Turkiye in Turkish language.

4. Born to hate Greek and Armenian pieces of shit with a passion.

5. Even though the country of Turkey has a screwed up ultra-nationalist government, the people are very freindly and especially nice to the tourists.

6. Most Turks have very dark brown skin color and look like Persians Arabs or Kurds. But if you go to Trabzon or Giresun (North-East Black Sea Region), people can pass for Romanian, Polish, German or Scandinavian. Or if you go to any South-Western citys like Izmir or Antalya, you look Italian or Spaniard.

7. Most beautiful women on the face of the earth.

8. Also a country that is home to a very technologically advanced army and home to a country that has the balls to defeat enemys.

9. A country that has many beautiful sights, many beautiful places to visit and much more!

10. Turkish immigrants, especially ones in Canada, the United States, Australia and the UK tend to live in humongous houses, own very expensive cars and have many oriental rugs and carpets in their houses.

11. The race of people that ruled an empire from Siberia to Europe.

12. A culture known for being very strong, resilient, hardworking, and have been known to victoriously defeat all their enemys and haters.

13. A culture that has been exaggeratively accused for things that they havent even done by false propagandist, but in reality the neighbors backstabbed them (LIKE FUCKING GREEKS AND ARMENIANS!) (NOW THE KURDISH SEPERATISTS TOO.)

14. Also, the Turkish people have been welcoming to all the people in their country and actually are known to be the most welcoming to tourists in their country and enemies like to act as if everyone hates and disrespects Turks.

15. Actually, in reality, people who visits Turkey say they love Turkish people and culture actually!

16. The country Turkey, as pronounced Turkiye in the Turkish language, was founded by a very brave man by the name of MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK and this man had the guts to fight against the enemys (Greeks,Armenians) who tried to destroy the potential enemys and Mr. Mustafa Kemal had the guts to get his armys to defeat the Greeks and Armenians.

17. General, a culture that is lovely in every sense and if you visit the country for a month to two months, you wouldn't want to leave, seriously.

As Joe said, " I have been to that country and Turkiye has the most beautiful beaches, the best food/cuisine ever, the most beautiful women you have ever seen, the most beautiful culture, the most welcoming country and the most unique place on the face of the earth, man I am jealous of those Turkish people, seriously! "

See turkish, turks, ataturk, istanbul, constantinople, byzantium, ankara, great, wonderful, strong, brave


A perosn from the counrty of Turkey. No turkeys do not come from there. Many people have mislead information and are against Turks. They beleive they destroy Balcans. The genocide there is because they do not want muslims. However, turkish people are muslims so they woudnt destroy balcans. Most Balcans actually escape to the country for safety. Same with the Iraqis because turkey is rather safe. What happened in the past stays in the past. If you think about it that way then everyone should be against the Gemans for the Nazis. And everyone should be against Christians for having such a religion that forced people to join. A JOIN OR DIE SITUATION. Turkey is very pretty. Covered by seas such as the Black, Aegean, and Medittereanean Sea. The same with Italy. the counrties are very similar. VISIT AND SEE! I am not turkish but i dot have turkish friends and i know how much they got offended so i decided to write this. Turkey is very far in technology. They will also be joing the EEU ( European Economical Union) with a lot of other European countries.

The city Istanbul is voted one of the most beautiful cities in the world (fact!) & is also listed in the "Must See Before Dying" list. They are not Greek kiling people. Greece is the one who wanted to take our their country. I wonder what you would do if someone decided to take over your house.... ? Now though, Greece & Turkey have good relationships. Greece only says bad stuff because they r mad because THEY LOST THE GODDAMN WAR =] In the West Coast the word "turk" is slang for an extremly brave person. DID YOU EVER WONDER WHY THIS WAS!?!?!? Turkey beat many wars like the Americans beat the revolutionary war. with sticks and stones (pretty much). The Turks have no relationship witht he Arabs. Why do you think USA & Turkey are allies? However, Turkey againdt the Iraqi war and does not wish to join. Turkey was the first counrty in Europe to treat women equally and have them vote (1934). Turks have also gone very far in sciences and medical surgeries. If you have ever watched Oprah, Dr.Oz is Turkish and is on once a week. He has a best-selling book called You On A Diet. During the war time Armenians betrayed their country,Turkey, who fed them for years and they became a big problem. Armenians start to kill Turkish people, to start an inside war. After that Turkish army needed to fight with them. In the war lots of innocent people get killed but it is not genocide, what Nazis did is genocide or what Americans did in Iraq is genocide but this is not. Also Turks live in fine places, not in deserts. Turkey can be considered as a Middle East country (even sometimes it is considered as in Europe) but it doesn't even have deserts. I will not deny that The Seljuks did kill many Christians. But guess wut? thats what happens at a war. Just like have us christians are killing muslims in balcan and iraq. SO DONT BE HATIINNNNN =]

Turkey is a very technological modern country that is hated due to many historical fictions that are exaggerated by the people that experienced it. Turkish people are kind and "brave" (used as slang in the West Coast).

See turkey, turkish, turk, genocide, arabs, muslim, christian


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