Turtle Effect

What is Turtle Effect?


turtle effect:what happens to the male anatomy when it's cold outside.

I was chilling outside sportin this wife beater and Samantha called, so I was like "yeah come on over!!". She came over and I pulled my pants down.. she just pointed and laughed then took a picture. Yeah, she dubbed it the turtle effect. I dipped my penis in acid the next day. I am ashamed ._.

See penus, james, micro penis


turtle effect:what happens to male anatomy when it's cold outside

I was chilling outside sportin this wife beater and Samantha called, so I was like "yeah come on over!!". She came over and I pulled my pants down.. she just pointed and laughed then took a picture. Yeah, she dubbed it the turtle effect. I dipped my penis in acid the next day. I am ashamed ._.

See turtle, james, micro penis


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