Turtle Face

What is Turtle Face?


A facial expression used when one screws up or has an 'FML moment' and doesn't give a fuck. It is more commonly used as the smiley ' :y '.

Guy 1 - Hahaha. You just spilled that all over your pants!

Guy 2 - Ah, Whatever :y (Makes the Turtle Face)

See :y, fml, screw up, smiley, Kimimaro


Dr. Quinn's BIZARROcounterpart.

Quinn: "Why does my guy look like an egg, how is that--"

Turtle face: "Bizarro!"



The nonverbal, neutral acknowledgement of, or showing of respect to another by making eye contact, flattening the lips, and raising the eyebrows. This act is most commonly used in passing of coworkers, the elderly, and small children. The facial expression resembles that of a turtle's face.

As Brian walked past his boss in the hallway, he used a turtle face to acknowledge his boss without saying "hello."

See face, turtle, greeting, respect


The appropriate insult for somone who is such a dickhead that they make posts or define words under somone else's name.

Look at phi's definitions of pup, fo eva, and slutbag. Phi did not write those, it was some turtle face.

See phi


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