
What is Turtled?


To have your backpack turned inside out and all your books placed inside it, so you can no longer wear it but must carry it around.

Dude, Mike turtled Ian's bag when he went to the bathroom.


To be so completely drunk that once fallen over and are lying on the ground, one cannot pick themselves up and requires help.

John: Oh god did you see Maria the other night?

Mark: Yeh I did man, at the end of the night she was apsolutely turtled!

John: I know yeh man, me and Gary had to pick her up and bring her home!

See turtled, drunk, intoxicated, wobbly, lost


when your partner (as in sex) farts and wont let you get out from under the overs. It must suck!

Yo i am so going to dumb bob cuz he turtled me last night.

See pez


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