
What is Turtlehead?


A word used to describe the current state of a departing poo. This term may only be used when the turd is protruding from your sphincter. Also known as "Touching cloth".

Person1 "What is that bulging in your trousers?"

Person2 "Oh that... Just a turtlehead."


when u have to take a shit so bad that it is popping in and out of ur ass like a turtle's head

Mom, stop the car I have a turtlehead!


A loaf of shit that is beginning to poke out of your ass prior to reaching a toilet. Turtleheads are generally dealt with using careful restriction of the sphincter muscles until you can make it to a toilet. You must squeeze firmly enough to prevent the shit loaf from further sliding out of the ass, but not so firmly that you chop the turtlehead off, or smash it with your ass cheeks creating an undesirable mess.

Guy 1: "I really need to take a shit."

Guy 2: "A little, or a lot?"

Guy 1: "Well, I've got a turtlehead."

Guy 2: "Okay, that's an emergency. Be careful not to pinch it off. I think I see a restroom over there."

See poop, shit, anus, turd, feces, asshole, prarie dogging


1. The head of a turtle

2. The protruding end of a faecesout of somebody's anusprompting a rush to the toilet.

Jesus! I must go to the crapper. There's a turtlehead in me undercrakers!!


When you cna't hold a cramp anymore and the very tip of it comes out like a turtlehead"

"I need a bathroom, like now, it's turtleheading."


When you have to crap really bad but are constipated and can only get the end of the poo to pop out and back in repeatedly.

Dude, get out of the bathroom already!

Sorry, got a turtlehead I'm trying to get out!

See crap, shit, constipation, pinch a loaf, poop


a giant turd your butthole can no longer contain

Suck this turtlehead out my buuuutthole!!


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