
What is Tut?


its jst a noise you make with ya tongue. its like when you do something wrong oooor somthin silly

Adam: I was gonna be home by midnight, but instead I got drunk and stayed out until 3am

Laura: tut lol

See tutt, ttutt, ttut


A hat of originality or coolness.

Carl: I saw this guywearing a top hat with naked girls around the edges, and I said "Yo, nice tut!"

Jess: Yeah dude, i saw him too!

See hat, unique, cap, original, turban


Means "blah" in Olde English.

Alex: *carries on boring conversation*

Dylan: *sigh* Tut tut tut...

Alex: *angry faic*

See tut, blah, boring, repetitive, carry on


Male tittys

Dude your tuts look like oreos

See nipples, tits, abu, tuts, mack


a style of dance made by poppers from the 80's

tut is in reference to "king tut", due to the styles nature of imitating pictures often depicted in hieroglyphics. Mr.Wiggles is noted for the use and teaching of this style.

b-boy 1 - Man that guy back there at the party was using some crazy moves i've never seen! it looked all egyptian style.

b-boy 2 - yeah man that style aint been used in years, its called tut.


Short for "Tutorial" especially on art forums, manga forums, etc.

"You got any tuts on how to draw eyes?"

See tut, tuts, tutorial, manga, art


someone or something that is slutty, whoreish, or a bitch

Julianna and Mike are such tuts, it makes me so mad!

Wow look at her skirt!, its so tut!

See whore, cunt, bitch, ugly, not cool


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