Tv Dinner

What is Tv Dinner?


1) Getting head while watching TV

2) Giving head while the TV is on

3) see "hungryman"

I enjoyed a great TV Dinner while watching the game.


(1)Food that was very popular in the 50's, now degenerated into something similar to dogfood. Usually placed in a microwave for 3-5 minutes.

(2) May be used to describe easy-to-make food.

(3) Can also be used to demean someone's cooking.

"Hey, there's a chicken nugget in my brownie!"

"Green beans and gravy?"

"Whoa, the plastic wrap's caught fire!"

"I bet you couldn't even make a TV Dinner."

"This tastes like a TV Dinner"

See tv, microwave


adj. When something is old and/or bland. Used in the song "New Track" by the G-Tones, a band consisting of 4 white teenagers from Gunnison. Their names are DJ Slayer, Skeet Murturd, MC Condor, and Prof. P-Stain.

G-Tones: Your beats are TV dinner, old and bland

See plain, old, bland, lame, stupid


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