
What is Twacker?


a user of the drug methamphetamine who has not forgotten that he/she uses methamphetamine, thereby making them somewhat immune to the paranoid delusions and hallucinations often associated with the drug

The twacker felt the person looked very familiar, but was able to dismiss the thought before saying anything due to his self-recognized "up for three days" status.

See francisco


A mix between cracker & tweaker.

When the fuck are those twackers gonna go to sleep!!!!

See drugie, redneck, crackhead, stoner, cokehead, Ashley


a twelve pack of beer

"It's only 3:00 and we've killed a twacker and a half, time to hit the store"

See suitcase, appetizer, bonanza


somebody who is a little out of touch with reality.

you are a twacker

See buddy


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