Twat Hat

What is Twat Hat?


a twat hat is a silly hat that has become big around Liverpool since 2005/2006 the twat hat is a silly hat with flaps on the side, its like a south park hat but alot shitter and it makes ya look like a tit!

lads who think there hard wear them! but there not there knobheads!


omfg lad!!! look at him in that stupid twat hat, lets kick him!

Bad boy 1: look at that lad in the lowey smashing up the bus stop

Bad boy 2: thats not a lowey its a twat hat!

See twat hat, lowey, tit, knobhead, scouser


The twat hat actually exists - staff at a large imaging company are made to wear the hat for an amount of time commensurate with their stupidity.

It is also known for staff at the company to begin chanting "Hat! Hat! Hat!" when someone's been particularly twattish.

'Pass the hat, I've been a twat.'


1)NOUN : "twat hat" is a insult which is used when not wanting to risk your reputation, job oppurtunities, or school grades. A good substitute to assshole and slag bag

2)NOUN : the twat hat does not exsist as a physical object, but as a figment of the insultor or insultees imagionation.

(student to teacher) " AN F!!?? I studied for weeks!! what are you a twat hat or something?!"

See asshole, slag-bag, dickface, bitch, bastard, retard


an ass hat!

you are a twat hat!


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