
What is Twatting?


To hit/strike someone, normally in the face or the genitals.

The phrase "I'll twat you one" is closely linked to this word.

Past Tense:

Guy 1: My Grandmother was looking at my porn collection yesterday...

Guy 2: Jesus man, what did you do?!

Guy 1: I twatted her one and it was lights out.

Present Tense:

Guy 1: Look a bunch of emos!

Guy 2: Let's start twatting them!

See twat, woddy, hit, strike, genitals


Also can be used in place of fucking, arsing...

I've got a twatting exam today dammit!


the synonym word for twittering; also, the infinitive word of twitter.

I am twittering how much I hate twatting on twitter

See twittering, twatting, twitting, twitted


A gratuitous banging or shagging, usually rough in nature, accompanied by a general attitude of amorality and vice.

After a few double-Taliskers, Jacques achieved the state of mind approproate to go twatting.

See amoral, drunk, twatting, cunt, whore, Jacques Asse




The act of posting bitchy complaining tweets on Twitter.

all she ever does is complain, twatting all day long like we actually give a shit.

See complaining, bitching, moaning, bellyaching, whining


Having cyber-sex via Twitter.

See that girl over there? I was totally twatting her for hours last night.

See twat, twatting, twitter, sex


twatting:(twatted- past tense) verb; for a woman to slap a person in the face with her labia. more insulting when the female in question is on her period.

oh my god, the old lady is twatting a chav, three cheers, hazaa! hazaa! hazaa!

err you got twatted so bad your dripping.

See twating, twat


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