Tweaker Man

What is Tweaker Man?


Tweaker man tweaker man

Tweaking where ever he can

Tweaker man tweaker man

Tweaking when ever he can

Tweaker man tweaker man

Tweaking as fast as he can

Tweaker man tweaker man

Tweaking where he is

Tweaker man tweaker man

He is in the can

Tweaker man tweaker man

Tweaker man tweaker man

He lives in a stolen trash can

Tweaker man tweaker man

He knows the subway man

Tweaker man tweaker man

Subaway man subway man

He is the can

Subway man subway man

He lives in a stolen trash can

Subway man subway man

Tweaker man tweaker man

Knows everyone man

Tweaker man teaker man

Everyone man everyone man

He lives in a stolen trash can

Everyone man everyone man

Everyone lives in a stolen trash can with tweaker man

this tweaker man lives in a trashcan


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