
What is Tweens?


An internet forum on the Canadian networking site known as nexopia. This forum consists of a conglomerate of different social groups including e-famous, celebrity, outgoing, hilarious, faggots, and genius hipsters who congregate together on the internet and try to act like they are more younger than the rest of the teenage population, but in truth are just teenagers living in their parents garages with no future. The age range in tweens is from 14-21. While most normal people have lives, the regulars in tweens don't and use gib and the internet in order to replace this void. In short, the pedophiles in tweens are all junkies going to the bottle depot to support their internet cost to stay tweens posters.

"Oh look it's users torture, Windowlicker., thirdrite2party, this must be a Tweens meet."

See lgs, kids, pedos, tweens, teens, forums, nexopia, sugar, gib, brick six, victoria, edmonton, vancouver


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