
What is Tweetesis?



tweet⋅e⋅sis tweet-uh-sis

–noun, plural -ses  /-ˌsiz/

Pronunciation -seez

1. something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc. on Twitter: The fact that no one follows me proved to be my tweetesis when trying to get my message out.

2. an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome on Twitter. Especially someone who disagrees pointedly with a tweet.

3. an agent or act of retribution or punishment on Twitter.


Originally coined February 1, 2009 by @ADMAVEN and @thedirtyblonde on Twitter to describe their interaction when arguing over humor in a Superbowl advertisement.

My tweetesis has been disagreeing with every tweet I make.

See twitter, nemesis, tweet, superbowl


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