Twilight Originals

What is Twilight Originals?


Twilight Originals or T~O is a groups of dedicated fans from IMDb Twilight Boards. It was created by cherry_blossom91 aka Fi.

We are fans of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, and we were and are fans before the movie Twilight came out.

There are 1,206 strong memeber willing to defend Twilight at all cost against trolls.

twilight originals are for anyone who has read the book before seeing the movie.

we are famous, cast members and Stephenie Meyer have all mentioned us, we are fastly becoming the biggest twilight group in the world! Twilgiht Originals.

T~O are totally are better than you since 2007

IMDb T~O rule the chatzy world


Twilight originals are people who read the book twilight before the movie was made. They read and loved twilight before it was famous.

Twilight, Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Twilight originals.

See twilight, forks, la push, seattle


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