Twilight Saga

What is Twilight Saga?


A freakishly addicting book (stolen from a fan fic site) written by a strange middle aged woman who (has sexual fantacies about this) created this character named ~*~Edward~*~ who *sparkle, sparkle* in the sun light, instead of burting into flame like normal vampires. Then theres his (stupid and patheticly clumbsy) girlfriend, Bella (who's a whore) who falls in love with her BFF Jake then rejects him cause he's (A million times not possesive and dosn't hate himself)not like Edward. And he's a werewolf so Edward hates him. Then she gets knocked up (About 40 billion times (cause she's a necrophiliac whore)by Edward and they make a baby (that wants to kill her). After having Renesmee (a name that was created using a mormon thing where the names of both grandparents are combined) Bella dies and becomes a vampy. Then come to find out Jachob falls madly in love with Renesmee (which makes him a baby fucking pedophile) and Bella gets pissed.

To makes a long, 4 book, story short, the ~*~Cullens~*~ *sparkle, sparkle* have this big war that naver happens against the (old wrinkly leader people) Vertolli (sp?)and they all end up loving (the evil little Mormon critter) and everyone lives happily ever after (forever and ever and ever).


See twilight, saga, edward, cullen, bella, swan, renesmee


A generally addicting and well written, but extremely cliche series by Stephanie Meyer.

The four books in order are: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. The saga has been a sensation amoung teenage girls.

Here is my run-down of the series:

Twilight: A plain and clumsy teenage girl named Bella moves to a small town called Forks were no plotline exists. There all the guys in town fall in love with our not so pretty protagonist(????)Anyways Bella meets the town hottie, Edward who (guess what) is a vampire. (But don't be misled, he's not allergic to garlic bread and dosn't spontaneosly combust when you put him in the sun.)In fact he has no fangs, sparkles, and can be seen in a mirror. Edward himself, who diets on animal blood, is quite lacking in personality for a hundred year old emortal. He is descirbed as being God-like and generally perfect. Oh yes, and aparently Bella smells yummy. In summary the first book is a lot of Edward saying "Stay away from me I'm a monster!" And Bella Saying "No I love you!"

New Moon: Edward leaves Bella for her "own good" so Bella turns emo. She begins to hang out with her friend Jacob who of course turns out to be a werewolf. Bella is extremely clingy and Jacob falls for her, but of course Bella can't live without Edward and rather then seeing a therapist, resorts to throwing herself off of cliffs. Edward beleiving she's dead, tries to get himself killed by the vampire mofia. In the end they become a couple again and no one dies.

Eclipse: Bella can't pick between Edward and Jacob, so the whole story becomes a sick love-triangle. Oh yes and some vampires want to kill Bella again so it becomes epic. Then Bella picks Edward, the end.

Breaking Dawn: Wow. So Edward and Bella get married, then they go to a private island and have oodles of sex, which resorts in torn up pillows and broken head boards. Then we find out Bella is pregnant with a rapidly growing mutant demon baby. Cute. So anyways the baby basically beats up Bella from the inside and drinks blood as a fetus. Then for several chapters Jacob takes over narration and complains a lot. Finally Bella gets a c-section that Edward performs with his teeth, and she becomes a vampire. And after it seems it can't become anymore disturbing Jacob imprints (falls in love) with the mutant baby named Renesmee. Long story short the vampire mofia wants to kill the baby which resorts in a very anti-climactic meeting. And the saga ends with Bella and Edward having more vampire sex. The end.

The books are so popular they have begun to make them into movies, and many teenage girls are swooning for the fictional character Edward. The Twilight saga has created a very large fandom.

The Twilight Saga is over-rated.

I love the Twilight Saga!

See vampire, twilight, new moon, eclipse


the twilight saga was Stephenie Meyers way of trying to indoctrinate little girls minds by building them up with false hope i.e. an 'edward cullen', and making them go all hypified so that no guys will ever find a 'normal' girl.

thanks stephenie, for the twilight saga. how about next time you write a book with a much more moral meaning and take over the world with that? lets start with a book on healthy eating perhaps???

See twilight, saga, stephenie meyer, new moon, books, annoying, girls, author, rob, robert pattinson, jacob


An incredibly good series by Stephenie Meyer, the books include (in order) Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. The main characters are Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, and Jacob Black. I don't want to give away the whole series, so just give it a chance and read the books to find out more

"I don't get why so many people hate the Twilight Saga"

See twilight, edward, bella, jacob, new moon, eclipse


Best books ever, i dont care what anyone says.

twilight: Bella (a teenage average girl) and Edward (hansome vampire) fall in love. Crazy vampire James tries to kill Bella and Edward and his family saves her.

New Moon: Edward doesnt feel like he's giving Bella a safe life, thinking she could do way better so he leaves her. She pretty much goes crazy and almost drowns while cliff diving. So Alice (edwards phycic sister) see's her jump off the cliff and comes to find her alive. Edward thinks she is dead so he runs of to Italy to be killed by the Vultury (Powerfull, royal vampires) And Bella and Alice go save him. Oh yeah and Jacob falls in love with Bella (he also turns into a wearewolf)

eclipse: Victoria (James lover) is trying to get revenge by killing Bella so she creats a bunch of crazed new born vampires to kill her, but The Cullens, wearwolfs fight back and they live

Breaking Dawn: Bella and Edward get married, have sex, have a little baby girl named Reneesme (but she is half vampire half human and almost kills bella) so Bella is turned into a vampire after delivering the baby. After a few months the Volturi find out about Reneesme and think she is a full vampire baby (which pretty much is illegal because they can not be taught) So the Cullens gather up all their vampire friends, and wearwolves (they now are no longer enemys) and go to defend them selves, the vulturi run away with their tails between their legs.

Screw that crap about fangirl: "omg! edward is soooo hot!" Because the way Stephenie describes him, he IS hot! Point of the matter, thats not the only thing we fangirls love about the books. Get over yourselves. The twilight saga is great!! I suggest reading it.

See twilight saga, new moon, eclipse, midnight sun


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