Twin Girls

What is Twin Girls?



1. a woman's breasts, of any size or shape. Usually, a tactful compliment, a term of praise, approval, or admiration.

2. a woman's breasts, of any size, that have close to a perfectly symmetrical appearance, while hidden under clothing. Often, an illusion created by the dress designer's art.

3. Ideally, breasts that are almost exact mirror images of each other, even when bared, and deprived of any support from undergarments. Sometimes also called ' identical twins' (cf. fraternal twins)

"Gail's twin girls are so cute!"

"Whadaya' mean? I thought she only had two children, a boy and a girl."

"Hey, dufus, I'm talking about the twins with whom she is inseparable!"

"Oh... duh... I getcha! They ARE cute!"

"I like it when she brings her twin girls to work." (LOL)

"Duh... How could she not?"

"Our waitress is drivin' me crazy."

"What's the deal?"

"Her twin girls are flirtin' with me!"

"Uh... yeah... I noticed that. Some kind of montease."

"Yep, they're dancin', too... in a very subtle but seductive rhythm."

"Ummm, yes... swing and sway"

"Jiggly too!"

"This restaurant has great service, don't you think?" (LOL)

"The food is not bad, either."

"I once I had a 43 year old girlfriend whose twin girls were still virgins."

"You're makin' that up... you mean... they never?"

"Nope... neither she nor her husband ever even heard of it. She didn't think it was possible... but was ever so grateful, once I convinced her to try it. She was a rare case, absolutely nipplegasmic."

"Well, how did you convince her?"

"I sent her to the online Wiki Pedia, to look up 'mammary intercourse' "

"No foolin'! Wiki Pedia has an article on that? And that's the title?"

"Yep! Technically accurate and clinically dispassionate, as always. And that's just what the learned professors call it-- 'mammary intercourse'."

"My wife's girls are twins, identical twins."

"Wow... cool... THAT I'd like to see... identical twin girls!"

"Careful, friend... her twins do not perform in public."

"OK... I'll take your word for it. ...don't need to see 'em to believe 'em!"

See fraternal twins, identical twins, twin babies, rack, sweater puppies, symmetrical docking, nipplegasm, nipasm, titty fuck, montease, monties


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