
What is Twinkler?


n., v. - When you are 69-ing with a honey and she gags on your rod and

you can see her bunghole pucker up

Even though Evelyn and I were goin' at it pretty hot-n-heavy, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her twinkler.


(adj.) Describes a large urban woman who listens to the crappiest r&b at full volume, while driving a ratty, late-model, domestic SUV. Songs typically have a twinkling sound in the background, which is typically drowned out by the after-market pipes on her ride.

"I almost got run over by that stupid twinkler on her cell phone!"

"I'm surprised that she could hear the phone over that shit she was playing. That bitch is such a twinkler!"

"No doubt!"

See r&b, urban, cell phone, suv, fat


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