Twitter Whore

What is Twitter Whore?


Someone who follows anyone and everyone on twitter in hopes of steering them to their awful website.

Rob: I joined twitter yesterday and I already have 10 followers, I'm bringing in more action than a circuit city closing sale bitch.

Aaron: Read their profiles, you have 8 internet marketing experts, a dog groomer from Jacksonville and someone who makes $4,000 a day on the Internet and is dying to show you how, free.

Rob: Damn twitter whores!

See twitter, whore, spam, annoying


A person who tweets and excessive amount on Twitter to the point where their followers are annoyed.

Person 1: Dude! I passed the Tweet limit today and I couldn't tweet for like an hour!

Person 2: You're such a twitter whore.

See twitter, whore, tweet, tweeting


a person who tweets constantly and obsessively

holy crap! Ian is such a friggen twitter whore!

I can't see anyone else's tweets!

I'm totally unfollowing him!

See annoying, twitter, whore, kid, youtube, wannabe


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