
What is Twitterati?


The Tweet elite, whose feeds attract thousands of followers and whose 140-character spews capture the attention of the rapt who doggedly monitor them.

The Twitterati have simultaneously raised and abased communicationto the level of simian savants.

See twitter, tweet, social media, facebook, myspace


Power users of twitter

I get tweets from westsaddle all the time. He's like a member of the twitterati

See twitter, tweets, social networking


A combination of twit (an insignificant, bothersome person) and glitterati (social elites). The twitterati is a group of gay men that are not important, but think they are. Members of the twitterati are usually pretentious and preppy, well-groomed and snotty. Depending on where you live and what social class they are trying to attain, members of the twitterati will either bore you with the latest news on Paris Hilton and Britney Spears or go on and on about their up-and-coming career in opera or their plans to have a penthouse in Manhattan.

Can be used collectively, or to address individual members within a twitterati group as a whole.

Those idiots think they got class, but really they are just some fugly little twitterati.

See glitterati, fugly, gay, queer, homo


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