
What is Twittourettes?


Early Stage Twittourettes:

Early Stage Twittourettes is a condition specific to Twitter users who sit back and watch what other people are tweeting, while not actively tweeting themselves. The Twitter user with Twittourettes will often send seemingly witty, yet random replies to a Tweet that he/she feels will result in, at the least, a short conversation. The Twitter user with Twittourettes will sit and wait for a reply, but 99.9% of the time will be ignored. See Example 1

Advanced Stage Tourettes:

In Advanced Stage Twittourettes, the Twitter user will Tweet random thoughts which are geared towards drawing attention to themselves. The Twitter user with Twittourettes will sit and wait for a reply, but 99.9% of the time will be ignored. See Example 2

Example 1

Early Stage Twittourettes:

NormalUser1: Does anyone know if the Celebrity Standup special on TV is part of the Tour?

RandomUser2: @NormalUser1 Google is your friend

NormalUser1: Everyone says it is, so I won't watch it cuz I'm going to see him on tour.

RandomUser2: @NormalUser1 You're not missing anything, the TV special is censored

NormalUser1: So, is anyone else going to see the Celebrity Standup special on tour?

Example 2

Advanced Stage Twittourettes:

RandomGuy1: I tried vegetarianism, but I realized that all those cute animals are so delicious.

See twitter, tweet, twittourettes


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