What is Tyrone Davenport?
Sexy ass light skinneded nigga who is impressive to look upon and
has most likely had sex with 75% of the people who reads this moms.
He enjoys football, walks on Elmwood Ave., and beatin bitches da fuck up.
His favorite line include "Fuck Yo Life","What De Fuck Is Dis Shit", and "Nyaah"(a modified version of Byaah for the black audience".
To Tyrone someone is to fuck with extreme vigor or motivation
o shit look go to myspace/bettercallontyrone...FRIEND REQUEST DIS NIGGA,GIRL!
Tyrone just told me fuck my life...DELETE DAT NIGGA OFF MY FRIENDS LIST!
Damn Shaniqa, Tyrone Davenport just Tyroned the shit out my twot last night;BITCH I CANT WALK!
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