
What is ü?


Shorthand for the word "you." Commonly used on the internet by those of low intellect, or those who are much to lazy to type a three letter word.

u cumn ovr 2day 4 anl sx?


The twenty-first letter of the english alphabet.

If you didn't know that already, there must be something horribly wrong with you.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U (see that? that's a U) V W X Y Z.


Short for "you". Used by people who are too lazy to make TWO FUCKIN' EXTRA KEYSTROKES. I imagine they all must look like that Jarred asshole, pre-Subway.

I am more 1337 than U!

Shut the fuck up, you tool.


A word fucking morons use instead of the word "you." VERY overly used.

hi im a fucking mron wat r u


The shorthand term for you. Usually used by illiterates with low IQ or intellect, or those who are incapable of typing out a three letter word.

r u goin shppin 2day wit da pplz?


A worthless shortening of a three letter word.

I love u.



Version of the word "you" used by lamers who are too lazy to type two other freakin' letters.

LOLWTF u r teh nub!!1!!11LOLOMGWTFBBQ


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