U Turn

What is U Turn?


a loud remark one makes when feeling a sense of regret, or otherwise feeling a need to make a 180 degree turn.

It can also be used when in an urge of making a funny noise

Rony was about to punch michael in the face, but when he saw him holding a knife, he made a U TURN and got the fuck out of there.

See fuck this, fat chick


When you take a 12 inch double headed dildo, put one end in a girls vagina and the other in the anus. Thus the dildo forms the shape of a "U"

Oh man, i was rammin my chick with a double headed dildo last night and i put the shit in her ass, so i fuckin pulled a U turn on that slut

See sex, dildo, anal, pussy, vagina, cleveland steamer, dyke, pegging


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