
What is übermensch?


Nietzsche's concept for "an over man" who overcomes the herd perspective and is capable of creating a new perspective without dogmatically forcing his perspective on others.

In Thus Spake Zarathustra, Zaruthustra attempts to become an Ubermensch.


The overman, for Nietzsche, did not and could not exist as a contemporary, since he saw himself as living in decadent times incapable of spawning ones who were capable of "standing security for their own destiny." Personally, i would suggest that the Overman would be one who could bear the horror of memory and cognizance of the present while simultaneously retaining the vigor and purpose of those who Nietzsche describes as nobles in "The Genealogy of Morals."

Examples are not helpful. German foot soldiers in WWI carried copies of "Thus Spake Zarathustra." The twentieth century bears witness to the idiocy of Nietzsche interpreters...


One who cares not for the morality of common Untermensch because he introspectively understands what is right and wrong.

Only the Ubermensch are capable of fully understanding Nietzschean philosophy. All others fear it and attempt to discredit it through petty insults and misinterpretation.



a person with great powers and abilities

Sometime between the fifth and sixth hours of tennis, I notice an ache in my shoulder. My nemesis, Bill--a likable übermensch 20 years my junior--appears unfazed by bodily discomfort.

See german, bamf, demigod, ubermensch, übermensch, superhuman, übermensch


Like the afore stated it was introduced by Nietzsche in his book Thus Spake Zarathustra to simplify of course the ubermensch in modern terms would be one who is self actualized and spreads his influence to those around him

Me...just kidding I know none


It's not "uber", it's über! And stop pronouncing it "oober".

Du bist kein übermensch!


It's "over" man..as in a man in control OVER his own world.

The Ubermensch walked with an air that set him apart


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