One of the main characters of the Naruto anime and manga, Uchiha Sasuke is a young ninja, as well as titular character Uzumaki Naruto's rival and sometimes-friend. The sole survivor of the massacre of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke's singleminded focus is to become strong enough to avenge his clan by defeating its murderer, his older brother. His cool demeanor and attractive looks have made him the object of affection of most of his female classmates, but he merely considers them an annoyance. An exceptionally talented ninja, Sasuke has mastered high level attacks such as Chidori and possesses a bloodline limit called Sharingan.
Uchiha Sasuke: I am an avenger.
See uchiha, sasuke, naruto, sharingan, chidori
He is Naruto's friend and rival in the same time, but after he saw his brother itachi and how naruto became strong, he turned to be Naruto's enemy and went to orchimaru to gain power so he can fight his brother
He uses the sharingan
A generic, boring character from Naruto who is a bitch and cries all the time.
Uchiha Sasuke cries and sulks every time Naruto does something slightly better than him
See naruto, sasuke, kakashi, sakura, uchiha