
What is Ude?



A term, refering to something not fun at all. From the Iraqi son of Saddam Hussein, Ude Hussein.

Dude, that exam just Ude'd the shit out of me!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you just got Ude'd!

Dont make me Ude you bitch.

See ude, horrible, bad, ued, saddam, hussein



A term, refering to something not fun at all. From the Iraqi son of Saddam Hussein, Ude Hussein, who did not very nice things to very nice people.

Dude, that exam just Ude'd the shit out of me!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you just got Ude'd!

Dont make me Ude you bitch.

See ude, horrible, bad, ued, saddam, hussein


A person, usually black, who is pimpin and fly.

"Dayumm, check out dat ude over there!"

"Wow, he's so fly."

See ude, pimpin, fly, black, person


a term in the nierian language that refers to someone that is stupid and life-less

person #1:" yoo is a person who picks pockets called a pickoeter???"

person #2: "NOOO it is a pick pocket UDE!!!"

See idiot, stupid, fool, loser, dumass


abbreviation for "you would", used mostly online to shorten communication typing time.

also see uve

amasiunculatua: that was so funny when i was arguing with mat by the art room, and i look over and there you are, giving me that look...

Fishsticks731: i thought ude like that


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