
What is U-dick?


1.U-Dick is forUrban Dictionary Official Slang Name

2.A u-dick is a book, a magazine or a newspaper full of sex craps

3. A u-dick is also a Urban Dick: a dickhead who shall never have the great joy of sipping the fresh pussy of a topass cowgirl in the shade of the Brentwood.Massassushets river tree


"What a shame! U.Dick is overruled by the shaïntantologists devil's shit fuckers! They owned us! They owned us!Right in the fuck!"


"What the fuck is the fuss?You write, they publish, they owned yu twice as one you consucker!

2.(introducing Chuck Brown Junior) Abwoat:

"Say have yu seen that mudafuck'Chuck B.Junior lately Coasty? The dude seems to have vanished from the scene, doesn't he? We were supposed to go to Brentwood. Massassushets early tomorrow"


"That u.dick sure won't show up, he never did, always said him never get to the country, said him only like pussies from the block"

3. Abwoat:

"Say Coasty where is my Brentwood New Observer?"


"That u-dick full of sex craps?!? They fucking advertise on G.M.O in there!Have a look in the shitroom..."

"Shit on me I know, them bloody liars, but my 'pa is writing poetry in it."

See shaïtantologists, dick, dickhead, fuck, pussy, urban dick


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