
What is Uhhhgggghhhh?


Different from the caveman expression "uggghhh," (without the 'h' immediately following the 'u') that was once popular in the mid-90s, Uhhhgggghhhh is a new expression used by young adults and teenagers to should extreme dissatisfaction, annoyance, or disgust with something at hand.

Often used when someone is very tired and does not want to do something, thereby expressing his disapproval with "Uhhhgggghhhh." It is also used to demonstrate annoyance with others behind their back...or in front of it.

Origin: First used in Binghamton, NY 2004.

How to use it: The sound must come from the diaphragm, and must be projected throughout the room so that the neighbors can hear. An "inside voice" can not be used.

Mother: "Son, please go clean the cat litter downstairs, mold is starting to grow on it. Oh, and I think we lost the pooper scooper, and we are also out of those disposable plastic gloves."

Son: (Son's face wrinkles up)


(Son crumples to the floor)

See annoyance, suffering, pain


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