
What is Ulti?


jenny shin's dome..an adjective.n be used to describe the lghs class of 2008!!!

Jenny shin, that dome was... ULTI!!!


"Did you catch the game last night?" "oh yeah it was pretty ulti."

See ultimate, shin, jenny, dome


barf, vomit, puke, throw-up

Since I ate to much, I think I might ulti.


itz the shortform of word ultimate, used by teenagers, to xpress that somethin's 2 cool

What an ulti car

See superb, good, bad, yuck, cheap


1. a word to describe something but in a very big or large way 2. short for ultimate

1. Thats an ulti- neck for Stewart.

2. That was an elti-act by Lindsey.

See q, w, e, r, t, y, u


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