
What is Umberto?


An extremly smart,though sometimes idiotic person.

Wow,you aced that test,you Umbertoed it!

See genious, psycho, midget


super smart, awsome brother, kinda short, is awsome, and super kool.

He's an Umberto because he got an A+ on his test.

See smart, awsome, brother, kool


The Most Gibberish name of all the names.. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Scumana Umberto?

See nonsense, overrated, loser, lonely, gay


a dickhead man-whore who pretends to like girls just to get laid.

friend: hey where where you last night?

guy: oh, i was out with stephy and got laid.

friend: you pulled an umberto?

guy: yep.

See man-whore, gay, fag, homo, umberto


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