
What is Unco?


1. Being physically uncoordinated

2. Being otherwise clumsy in any respect

1. You're too unco to play soccer

2. You're so unco, you can't even beat tetris

See neo



1. Lacking physical or mental coordination.

2. Lacking planning, method, or organization.

In other words: Anyone, but usually a girl or funboywho has the inability to kick a football or throw a ball without looking like a complete retard.

While playing golf in your front room your mate puts the ball through your mums brand new double-glazed windows at which point you say "are you unco or what?"

After noticing a drunken lass has her mini skirt tucked into the back of her g-string and is presenting her ass cheeks to the rest of the world you turn to your mates and say "that lass is well unco"

See retard, tool, spas, stupid


Uncoordinated ... n00b ... pwned regularly in gaming.

Pixie is UNCO.

Hell Salo IS NOT UNCO.

See unco, n00b, slang


One who is lacking in any form of coordination whatsoever

Hell Salo is UNCO

See pixie


sum 1 hu is so bad at catching, throwing, kicking, playing basketball, etc.

if a person were to kick a ball and the ball goes in the other direction yiu say...

wat a fucking unco nigga

See andrew, lanky, wedges, cargo, frog, unco


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