
What is Uncoincidence?


Not coincidence; happened by design.

An Uncoincidence Example: ZERO DIGIT KILLS PRESIDENTS!!!

Before Ronald Reagan, all presidents who were elected in a year ending in a single zero died in office. The presidents who were not elected in a year ending in a single zero and who died in office are only Zachary Taylor (elected in 1848 and died of natural cause) and William McKinley (elelcted in 1900 and died of assassination). All the other ill-fated presidents (6 out of 8) were included in the case, shown as below:

1840 - William Harrison (natural cause)

1860 - Abraham Lincoln (assassinated)

1880 - James Garfield (assassinated)

1920 - Warren Harding (natural cause)

1940 - Franklin Roosevelt (natural cause)

1960 - John F. Kennedy (assassinated)

1980 – Ronald Reagan (almost assassinated)

=> Possible reason: design changed or "the program" updated.

See coincidence


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