
What is Undercity?


In World of Warcraft lore, the capital city of the Undead. Only Hordecharacters can enter here without being attacked. Any Alliancetrying to enter will be ruthlessly attacked by the guards and all players residing within. A central target for raids due to two boss characters (extremely hard Elite NPC's whom take many characters to kill just one) residing in a chamber deep in the bowels of the Undercity. These bosses are Lady Sylvannas Windrunner (a former Night Elf made undead by Arthas) and Varimathras (a vampire). The bosses are surrounded by Battleground masters, guards, and a few NPC's.

WoW Player #1: Hey guys, lets meet in the Undercity. Someone is selling *insert item here* for cheap!

WoW Player #2: OMG! LETTS GOE NOW!

WoW Player #1: Use English :(

See world of warcraft, wow, uc, undead, dead, zombie, raid, target, boss, guard, character, 1337, 31337, leet, leetspeak, 1337speak


Undercity is also another explorable area from another mmorpg game, Guild Wars:Factions. The area is connected to the region of Kaineng City.

"Cantha is a nation of many, many people. The marketplaces are packed, the cities are overcrowded, and the sewers are overflowing with waste. Underneath the busy streets, the darker side of Cantha rears its ugly head. If you're looking to engage in unsavory activities, Undercity would be the place to come."

See dweller


An undercity is a pimple that is found under the skin. They are nearly impossible to pop, and the only way to get rid of them is to wait for them to erupt onto the outer layers of the epidermis.

An undercity is also a city in the fictional Warcraft universe. It can be found in the online game of World of Warcraft, and is ruled by The Forsaken Undead. he Undercity is a city in the fictional Warcraft universe. The subterranean city is located in the continent of Lordaeron beneath the Ruins of Lordaeron on the supercontinent known as the Eastern Kingdoms.

"Man, this undercity on my chin is totally going to ruin my date tonight!"

"Hey br0, m33t m3 in th4 undercity."

See wow, pimple, undead, skin, epidermis


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