
What is Undernet?


One of the largest IRCnetworks still in existence with a laid back administration that provides minimal services but doesn't overwhelm the users with hundreds of *Serv bots. The primary service is X, the channel bot, who provides many options for managers and ops alike.

Undernet is very involved with its users, and holds frequent classes and interesting discussions or interviews in the #class channel. Channels are very hard to register, and therefore if a channel is registered, then it is garunteed to be lively. It has frequent netsplits, but not quite to the caliber of EFnetand DALnet, making it a much more solid network. In general, the help channels on Undernet are often nicer and more humble than EFnet, but still don't be surprised if you get banned for an arbitrary reason. There's always room for improvement.

<Varter> Hey, wanna chat on IRC instead?

<Mancow> Sure, I'll meet you in #tech on Undernet.

<Varter> Nice.



The vast, insidious and unstable domain of the Internethome to the worst depravities and ideals of mankind. Hidden behind the vail of the "Polite Internet," the Undernet is host to the worst and most scarring images ever available to humanity, as well as opinions and ideas from individuals that minds have been cracked and malformed by visits to the Undernet. Self propagating, the Undernet is the fastest growing part of the Internet, and despite the best efforts of the government, grows unchecked. The best way to describe the Undernet is as "online urban blight" or "cyber-pestilence."

Mark: "Hey, check out this website"

Tom: "Okay...holy god in heaven why?"

Mark: "What, it is just German's peeing on babies while driving spikes through their penises?"

Tom: "Mark...you need a break from the Undernet"


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