Underpants Mafia

What is Underpants Mafia?


The organized-crime syndicate secretly controlling the Underpants Gnomes. Secretly plots world domination, possibly with the help of the Crab People.

Phase 1: Steal underpants.

Phase 2: Unknown, but thought to be something along the lines of re-selling the underpants on the Japanese black market (which seems to, for whatever reason, have a huge demand used underpants), re-investing profits in the translation and distribution of hentai in America and eventually the rest of the world, thus driving the normal porn industry (and the desire to see non-anime boobies) into near-extinction, as well as creating a dwindling in the human population, thus eliminating humanity's only defense against the Underpants Gnomes (non-anime boobies). After this, continue stealing underpants, eventually achieving a complete underpants monopoly.

Phase 3: Profit!


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